Metabolism is a biological term which is made up of two process (anabolism and catabolism) in the body. As in our body various changes takes place which can be categorized into physical and chemical changes. Metabolism is the chemical change in the body since it involves building and breaking down of chemical substances (present in food).
Metabolism is associated with energy. In anabolism simpler substances combines to form compound substance, fat which gets stored in the body as body fat and it is break down at a later stage for releasing energy whereas catabolism is the breakdown of food particles in the body with the help of oxygen to release energy required for performing various functions inside the body as well as for daily routine functions.
The rate of metabolism depends on certain factors such as age, sex, occupation, the amount of body tissues and activeness. The metabolism rate decreases with the growing age, it is lower in females than males and it is higher in a more active person whose occupations requires physical work than sitting work.
Here are some tips for increasing the rate of metabolism in the body by simple exercises.
Cycling for an hour or half increases the metabolic rate for at least 12 to 14 hours. As cycling increases the heart rate and flow of blood and it burns out extra calories in the body which results in increased metabolic rate.
Jogging for half an hour helps in burning extra calories present in the body and increases metabolic rate of the body due to which we never feel tired.
In yoga there are aasanas such as prayanaam and others which help in increasing the metabolic rate of the body and in burning extra calorie in the body.
Regular Exercises
Regular exercises helps in increasing the metabolic rate and if possible you can exercise twice a day for maintaining the constant metabolic rate throughout the day.
It is one of the commonest method which is employed for increasing the metabolic rate of the body as it requires jumping, and other exercising techniques.
So you can increase your metabolism without much efforts by these simple exercise but you should never over do these exercises you should continue till you feel comfortable and then you can stop for rest.